Last summer I spent as much time as possible at the lake. I
love swimming – and mountains, and lakes – and there was something about lying
on my back in the water, completely relaxed, not worried about work or friends
or even about drowning, that soothed all my stresses away. But I learned early
on that in order to be like that, I had to learn to let go. If I didn’t want to
sink, I had to relax and trust the water to hold my body up. Even when it was
windy and my body would move with the waves, if I could relax and trust the
water, I would stay afloat.
And, as I’ve been learning, so it is with life. Life is
scary sometimes. As soon as we get complacent with our circumstances – jobs,
relationships, location – things change. People move, we move, people change
and move on and leave us behind. Nothing in life is constant, yet we all fear
change. At least, I fear change. I’m scared of starting over, of making new
friends, of having to learn new skills, of the hardships I will have to go
through in order to grow. What if I’m not good enough? What if no one likes me?
What if I cry myself to sleep every night, and there’s no one around me I trust
to let inside?
But that’s where the gospel comes in. God is constant, and I
know that if I trust in him I will be safe. If I can stop trying to control
everything around me, if I do my best and then trust in the Lord to make up the
difference, then I will be at peace.
For me, trusting in God is a matter of letting go. Letting
go of my worries, of my fears, of my stress. When I do that, then I can begin
to see the beauty in life. Like when I lay on my back in a lake in my favorite
national park and look up at the pine-tree covered mountain slopes and am so
happy to be alive.
But there’s another part to this: When you’re floating on
your back, you can’t just lay there motionless. You have to swim. You don’t
have to swim quickly – although sometimes that is enjoyable – but if you stay
stationary you will start to sink. It might take a couple minutes, but it will
happen. Application? To paraphrase someone important and famous, trusting in
the Lord is not a sedentary act. You have to do things to make your situation
better. The Lord will magnify your efforts, but in order for him to do that
there has to first be some effort.
So my goal for this week is to move forward, to let go of my
worries, and to trust that, because of my Savior, I will float.
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